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Throughout the years Snehta has collaborated with numerous artists, curators and creative professionals who worked with resident artists and the project team to produce curated exhibitions, events and publications.



From 2016 onwards Snehta introduced curatorial support on its residency programme. Until that point the residency was solely relying on its team and friends and affiliates who would support the artists on their work and research. Moreover the project was moulded through several discussions with key people who are established in the field and work at both national and international levels. 


Snehta has also produced two literary projects!


Irini Marouli - artist, curator

Becky Campbell - artist, curator

Zoi Moutsokou - curator, architect

Margarita Kataga - art historian, curator

Rallou Avramidou - community liaison, curator, advisor


Program direction and developement: Rallou Avramidou - community liaison, curator, advisor

Program coordination: Simone Niarou - art historian

Program coordination: Katerina Kazou - art historian


Program development: Rallou Avramidou - community liaison, art - curator, advisor

Program coordination: Simone Niarou - art historian

Intern: Katerina Kazou

Intern: Lina Graf

Christos Bourantas (3D designer) - architect

Stathis Georgiou (3D designer, developer) 

Kostas Chrisogelos (Writer) - philologist 

Eleni Michailidi (in-house curator) - archeologist, curator


Guest artists onboard the (Parallel Exhibition programme) 



Snehta coordinator: Zoi Moutsokou - curator, architect

Snehta assistant: Simone Niarou - art historian

Press: Maria Dialektaki - curator

Intern: Tommaso Mauriello - artist 

George Giparakis - (mentorship) - artist, educator

Ioannis Grigoriadis - (mentorship) - artist, educator 

Ioannis Isidorou - (mentorship) - artist, educator 

Anna-Maria Papagiannakou (independent exhibition curator) - artist, curator

Ariadne Tzika (in-house curator) - curator

Odette Kouzo - (in-house curator) - curator

Guest artists onboard the (Parallel Exhibition programme) 

Vasiliki Koukou, Valia Papastamou, Sara True Rosenthal



Snehta coordinator: Margarita Kataga - art historian, curator

Press: Maria Dialektaki - curator

Myrto Katsimicha (in-house curator & guest speaker) - curator

Poka Yo (independent collaborator) - artist

Kostis Velonis (guest speaker) - artist 

Faidra Vasileiadou (in-house curator & guest speaker) - curator

Eleni Riga  (guest speaker) - curator

Marina Miliou-Theocharaki (Aneducation book launch coordination) - artist 

Elli Paxinou (Aneducation book launch coordination) - art historian, curator

Eleni Michailidi (in-house curator) - archeologist, curator

Maria Dialektaki (independent exhibition curator) - curator

Galini Lazani (in-house curator) - curator

Eva Mitala (guest speaker) - artist

Parallel Exhibition programme Guest artists:

Jüri Ojaver, Jaan Toomik, Paul Rodgers, Nikos Mantzios, Joseph Stokes, Shira Turbowicz, Camille Roded, Marina Velisioti (Castrata Feel), Kostis Velonis , Leonidas Giannakopoulos, Rania Bellou, Pavlos Tsakonas, Marco Raparelli.



Panos Giannikopoulos (in-house curator) - curator

Antonakis (in-house curator) - artist

Evita Tsokanta (in-house curator) - curator

Ioanna Gerakidi (in-house curator) - curator



Eleni Riga (in-house curator) - curator - &

Alice Bonnot (independent curatorial) curator -

Galini Notti (in-house curator) - art historian & curator

Antonia Rahofer (in ατhεns, Austrian artists in Athens ) - curator

Eleni Michailidi (in ατhεns, Austrian artists in Athens) - art historian & curator

Campus Novel (independent project) - art collective -

Athanasios Gatos (independent project) - artist

Despina Nissiriou (independent project) - artist

Danai Giannoglou (in-house curator)



Eleftheria Tseliou (in-house curator) - gallery director -

Paki Vlasopoulou (in-house curator) - artist & curator -

Sofia Touboura (independent project) - artist & curator -

Irini Bachlitzanaki (in-house curator) - artist & curator

Myrto Katsimicha (in-house curator) - curator



Becky Campbell (independent project) - artist & curator

SpartAn & Interviewroom 11 (independent project) - art collective -

ΜUU, Finland (independent project) - art organisation -



Becky Campbell (independent project) - artist & curator

Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki (independent project) - artist & art educator -

Jessica Dunleavy (independent project) - artist 



friends of the residency and collaborators 



friends of the residency and collaborators



Nikos Mantzios - artist 

Amalia Charikiopoulou - artist -

Michalis Parlamas - artist 

Vasilis Protopapas - photographer 

Filoktitis & Maria Veinoglou


Maria Papaioanou - curator 

Iliana Fokianaki - curator & gallery director -

Maria Koumianou - conservator & curator

Irini Marouli - art historian

Eve Smith - curator 


Christina Androulidaki - gallery director -

​Chrysanthi Koumianaki - artist - art initiator -

​Daphne Dragona - curator -

Elli Paxinou - curator, art historia & educator 

Galini Notti - curator

Irini Bachlitzanaki - artist & curator

Kosmas Nikolaou - artist - art initiator -
Kyriacos Karseras - archivist, archeologist & translator 

Maro Michalakakos - artist 

Nikos Mantzios - artist 

© 2024 by SNEHTA residency

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